Wednesday, January 9, 2008

human sexuality...

first 3 hour night class in a long time.....
the class itself? not very sexual
the prof? not very sexy
what i'm learning? not sex

thank god i have a laptop in class


K 冷 said...

因該要 gina 那個 prof 教才比較有說服力? lol A____A

the workload for two of the courses are pretty heavy XD alrdy got an assignment dued T-T

是一定要湊齊6嗎? ^^" take care lah~

dreamicandi said...

WAHAHAHHA~~~Gina 那個 prof 教會不會大家都在下面想歪歪爽歪歪?XD

Patty said...

K 冷:
good luck on your assignments too! sounds pretty tough.... i've already chickened out and i'm now down to 4 courses and 3 jobs... :P
btw did you edit my website on the ILoveBlog4 page? coz i can find it on there now! :P thanks!

my prof is just old and dry.... if only they could find someone 40 years younger..... =.=

K 冷 said...

ask gina to show u "the one and only photo" hahaha A____A

對阿~ 不然都要跑到你的 msn 去 copy & paste XD